Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Save Your Life!
Do you wake up with a headache regularly or always feel like you just can’t get a good night’s rest? If you have undiagnosed sleep apnea, the quality of your sleep may be compromised and you could be at risk for health problems such as high blood pressure, memory problems, and weight gain. Sleep apnea is a condition where the sufferer’s airways are blocked for short periods of time while sleeping and this interrupts the sleep pattern. If you are noticing signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, you may need to wear an oral appliance at night and explore other treatment options that ensure you are breathing properly while sleeping.
Are There Different Types of Sleep Apnea?
The American Sleep APNEA Association has identified three types of sleep apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Sleep is interrupted because the tongue falls back against the soft palate which closes up the airways in the back of the throat. This type of blockage results in improper breathing and can cause health problems such as heart disease, stroke, or high blood pressure.
Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)
A potentially life-threatening condition where a person stops breathing altogether for short periods of time because the brain has stopped sending signals to the lungs. The lack of oxygen can result in waking up frequently throughout the night gasping for air, and may lead to serious health issues such as heart failure, stroke, or severe arthritis.
Complex/Mixed Sleep Apnea
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have published findings about a condition called ‘complex sleep apnea’ where a patient with obstructive sleep apnea does not respond to treatment with a CPAP (continuous airway pressure) machine which is designed to open up the airways. Instead, these patients experience symptoms of CSA and may require other types of treatment.
Do I Have Sleep Apnea?
Here are some common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea:
Chronic snoring
Headaches or ‘brain fog’ upon rising
Memory problems
Waking up with a sore or dry throat
Waking up choking or gasping for air
Daytime sleepiness
Restless sleep
Mood changes
Decreased interest in sex
If you think you may have a sleep breathing disorder, complete the STOP-BANG questionnaire online and find out if you may need treatment.
Do you wake up with a headache regularly or always feel like you just can’t get a good night’s rest?
If you have undiagnosed sleep apnea, the quality of your sleep may be compromised and you could be at risk for health problems such as high blood pressure, memory problems, and weight gain. Sleep apnea is a condition where the sufferer’s airways are blocked for short periods of time while sleeping and this interrupts the sleep pattern. If you are noticing signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, you may need to wear an oral appliance at night and explore other treatment options that ensure you are breathing properly while sleeping.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Options
We can fit you with a custom-made oral appliance to eliminate snoring and also as part of a treatment plan for mild to moderate or severe sleep apnea. Sleep apnea treatment options include:
Losing weight
Nasal decongestants
Positional therapy
Breathing masks